Friday, April 8, 2011

Who is my neighbor?

I have come to believe that pro-lifers are far-sighted. We tend to see abortion as a problem outside of our circle of influence and certainly not within the safe confines of our churches. This couldn't be further from the truth. Statistically speaking, a woman at risk for abortion could be in the very seat beside you on Sunday morning! Based on polling data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute, women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholics obtain 31.3%, Jews obtain 1.3%, and Born-again/Evangelicals obtain 18% of abortions.

Even I have been guilty of this far-sightedness. Back in August of 2010, I was writing emails to fellow supporters checking to see if they had received my newsletters and to touch base with them about life and JFA. I received one reply that caught my eye. It was from a high school student who had been to the JFA seat-work training back in March. I knew she needed help immediately because she had a neighbor who was pregnant and had an abortion schedule for later that week.

I was taken by surprise! A crisis pregnancy was the last thing I was thinking of since I was so focused on the tasks of networking and fund-raising. I called her as soon as possible and talked with her mother. Much to my sorrow the mother told me the neighbor had already had the abortion that very morning.

Even more sadly, she told me this was the young woman’s second abortion in 3 months.

I want to use this tragic story as an opportunity to say to you all if you know anyone considering abortion, time is not on our side. I also want to encourage you to pray for the Holy Spirit to show you if there are any women in your life (a family member, friend, fellow church member, the woman ringing up your groceries at the store...) who may be at risk of an abortion or secretly hurting from the pain of a past abortion.

There are extensive resources for these women and I want to be a resource for you to tap into! These women are the "neighbors" Jesus told us about. Although they may not outwardly look like the beaten, stranded traveler lying on the road side, I can assure you that inwardly they are in just as bad of a condition as the abandoned man from Jesus' parable.

Call me anytime, day or night. 404.379.4333

Opening our mouths together,


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